Classic Cinema, Movie Posters

Tale as Old as Time…

Just making a shout-out to Walt Disney Animation Studios‘ original 1991 version of Beauty and the Beast. The original teaser poster for the film is below. I will be seeing Disney’s high-priced and high-profile photorealistic remake soon (it opens in U.S. theaters today), but as for this weekend, I’m planning to spend some time with the original animated classic instead. 

(© Disney)

Even as The Walt Disney Studios continues to remake all of their animated classics in a photorealistic style (which really bums me out), at least they aren’t taking away the original animated motion pictures that I love. Thankfully, Disney is remaking their animated canon with some care and artistry, but these classics don’t need to be remade; rather, they need to be re-released regularly and re-watched on the big screen and the great creative minds working at The Walt Disney Studios should devote their considerable time, talents, and resources to original storytelling instead. A dream is a wish your heart makes, right? (Oh wait, Disney already remade that one, too…)

(© Disney)

Movie Posters

New Poster for “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales”

I can’t believe I’m actually posting this since I’m not a devoted fan of this movie franchise, but I quite like the new poster design for the upcoming sequel Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. Let’s hope the movie is decent (sadly, my expectations are very low on this one, but would love to be pleasantly surprised).

(© Disney)
